morning inspiration: DIY RAISIN BRAN and spirulina in Haribo!

raisin bran diyHappy things filled my brain this morning.  Firstly, the discovery that was made this weekend is worth mentioning: Haribo has Spirulina in it.  Yes, Haribo — those delightful gummies that are neither too sweet nor too tacky.  Since they are flavored with natural flavors and colors (another woo!), they contain Spirulina, which is a cyanobacterium that contains calcium, protein, antioxidants, vitamins… lots of good stuff.  While eating green gummies will probably not save my life, this was certainly a petite pleasure to discover.

haribo croco

My head was further massaged when I blended things in my pantry.  Not machine blending, but more holding hands, I guess.  Being a “Bubble Child” with a strong nut allergy, gluten intolerance, and corn sensitivity makes finding cereal in France rather challenging.  If it’s not filled with wheat its gluten-free alternative is a flake of corn.  If I can find a healthy looking muesli, it will have hazelnuts.  What’s a girl to do?  Ahhh, DIY.

All I seem to find are buckwheat flakes and puffs of various sorts (rice, buckwheat, etc.)  How about…. I want raisin bran so I combine those two with raisins?  Magique!

flakes and raisins

Here’s your morning inspiration: to save your stomach, histamines, and wallet some work, try combining different cereal flakes you can eat with different dried fruits and dark chocolate chips (!!) to have some custom lovin’ every morning in a bowl.  Top with either lactose-free milk or dairy-free milk of choice, and you’re smooth sailing for the day. <3

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Filed under buy me, dairy bubble, explore PARIS, gluten bubble, nut bubble, recipes, smarty pants, vegan

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